Monday, February 11, 2013


We are now entering our 8th year of business and getting busier and busier (as you can tell by the once every two year blog entries!) So much for my NY's resolution from 2011!  :)   Check us out on Facebook as that seems to get updated more frequently. Prairie Oven has taken on serving hot lunches to one of the local schools here on occasion and we decided to try and go as "green" as possible with the takeout containers and utensils that we need to use for this. They are all compostable and now we've incorporated compostable catering trays for other events that we cater. We are also involved in the local food movement in Camrose through Stoney Creek Natural Foods and have been using local and/or organic: flour, oats, herbs, carrots, celery, rice, barley, lentils and honey. You can find our gluten-free maple cake and brownies at Country Accent which is a local food hub in Camrose but Prairie Oven will take orders for bulk baked goods (including gluten-free items.)

On the greener side as well, we compost all food waste and recycle everything possible with the city and also are getting into vermicomposting. Wriggle, wriggle!

Chicken Cordon Bleu

Chicken Cordon Bleu

Black Bean Enchiladas

Black Bean Enchiladas

Sweet & Spicy Cashew Chicken

Sweet & Spicy Cashew Chicken

Grandma's Mac & Cheese

Grandma's Mac & Cheese

Mango Chicken Curry

Mango Chicken Curry

Roast Beef Dinner

Roast Beef Dinner

Lentil Curry

Lentil Curry

Oriental Meatballs

Oriental Meatballs

Asian BBQ'd Pork

Asian BBQ'd Pork

Chicken Parmigiana

Chicken Parmigiana